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CSC Open Sound Control (OSC) Command Set Reference


CSC is able to respond to network OSC messages to enable a large number of features to be remotely controlled. This list describes the action and format of those messages.


/cuelist/goCue <cueNum>
/cuelist/sendCue <cueNum>

where <cueNum> is an integer or float argument

Status Update:
/cuelist/currentName <name> where <name> is string
/cuelist/nextName <name> where <name> is string

Trigger Lists

/triggerlist/findMarker/{id} <marker>

where {id} is the list number, integer 1-4; <marker> is an integer or float argument



where {id} is the player number, integer 1-64

WavPlayer Live Mixer

/mixer/setLevel/{chan} <level> where <level> is level in dB, float
/mixer/chanfader/{chan} <position> where <position> is 0...1, float (R/W)
/mixer/setPan/{chan} <pan> where <pan> is pan, -100 to 100, float
/mixer/chanPan/{chan} <position> where <position> is -1...1, float (R/W)
/mixer/setMute/{chan} <state> where <state> is bool, 0=false, else true
/mixer/chanMute/{chan} <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float (R/W)
/mixer/setSolo/{chan} <state> where <state> is bool, 0=false, else true
/mixer/chanSolo/{chan} <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float (R/W)
/mixer/masterMute <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float (R/W)
/mixer/masterSolo <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float (R/W)
/mixer/setLink <state> where <state> is bool, 0=false, else true
/mixer/masterLink <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float (R/W)

where {chan} is the channel number, integer 1-64


/system/fadeAllPlayers <time> where <time> is in secs, integer
/system/setMasterLevel <level> where <level> is level in dB, float
/system/masterFader <position> where <position> is 0...1, float (R/W)
/system/audioOutputMute <state> where <state> is 0 or 1, float

*All methods marked R/W can be read and written to